Friday, April 1, 2016

The Fattening

In the year 1991 I weighed about 220.  I was about Six Foot Three.  By the year 2000 I had ballooned up 300 pounds, but I had grown to Six Foot Seven.  By 2003 I was 340 pounds.  By 2005 I was up to 499.  I had managed to bring it back down to 413, but I rebounded and it shot back up 515 pounds at the start of March.  That's more weight than TWO pinball machines.  For all intents and purposes, I'm literally carrying around a whole other person with me.  My only saving grace is that I am 6 foot 7 inches and a very large person all around.  
But, since I'm older now, I'm not as able to bounce back as quickly as I once did.  Recently I had a recurrence of Cellulitis in my leg.   I had it about three years ago, and was warned that it would come back if I didn't lose the weight.  Well, early last month I was at the tail end of pushing myself to the limit, and woke up with a 104 degree fever and mega chills.  I was really bad off, and ended up having to stay in the Hospital for over a week on IV antibiotics.  I would have never gotten the cellulitis in the first place if I hadn't been so mega overweight.

I remember going to see the sequel to Austin Powers in 1999 and seeing "Fat Bastard" on the big screen.  Never did I ever think I would become "Fat Bastard," but I have.

 Yes, over the years I've eaten to excess, and I don't drink, or smoke, or do drugs.  However, my main bane has been one big thing:

Coca Cola
So, I've given up Coke, and soft drinks in general.  I'm now just drinking decaf, unsweetened Iced Tea, and water.  I gave up Coke for one year, and didn't see any drastic improvement in my weight, but I was drinking diet drinks too.

So, it's time.  I've wasted the past 16 years of the prime of my life being fat and I'm tired of it.  But it's going to be a long road ahead.  Since about 3.5 weeks ago I've been off of Coke and on a low calorie diet of about 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day and I'm down about 20 pounds.  What's interesting.  I've always heard that if you want to maintain your weight, you have to eat a certain proportion of calories a day.  So, as an example, if I weigh 500 pounds, I'd have to eat 5,000 calories a day to maintain that weight.  That's like five Big Mac meals (w/coke) a day, which overall, hasn't been my typical day of caloric intake.  If anything, my diet was relatively average, and BELOW what I was supposed to eat to maintain the weight (2,000-4,000 calories).

I'm going to start exercising regularly now, mainly walking.  My main form of diet is going to be portion control and taking a picture of everything I put into my mouth.  I'm not going to be posting any pictures until I start gaining some ground.  So, today I begin a very LONG journey.  Hopefully, I'll have the weight off in two years.  I'll try to be as funny as possible during this process.
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